Paper 14: Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis

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The Professional courses are administered at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Levels. Each level requires an average of one year, though candidates are advised to provide for an additional one year to meet requirements for internship/ practical experience.

A student must book for a minimum of three papers in a level in any order unless is exempted or has credits.

Prior to certification, candidates will be required to:

  • Attend workshops on ethics, soft skills and emerging issues organised by kasneb and ICPAK and earn IPD hours.
  • Obtain 1-Year practical experience, or alternatively attend workshops on work based simulation organised by kasneb and ICPAK.

This course is aimed at persons who wish to qualify and work or practice as professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax managers and consultants in related areas in both public and private sectors.

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Course Content



1. Accounting for Assets and Liabilities
1.1 (Assets and Liabilities as covered in Financial Accounting and Financial Reporting are also relevant here) 1.2 Leases Including Sale and leaseback and dealers in leased assets 1.3 Deferred Tax (With group aspects) 1.4 Employee Benefits 1.5 Share Based Payments 1.6 Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Impairment, Hedging, Embedded Derivatives and Disclosures) 1.7 Fair Value Measurement 1.8 Impairment of Assets

2. Preparation of Financial Statements for Interests in Other entities
2.1 Subsidiaries (Including foreign subsidiaries, piecemeal acquisitions, reduction in shareholding and disposals as well as statement of cash flows) 2.2 Accounting for Associates and Joint Ventures (Including foreign entities) 2.3 Disclosures of interests in other entities

3. Preparation of Financial Statements for other entities
3.1 Financial Statements for Banks 3.2 Financial Statements for Insurance Companies 3.3 Interim Financial Statements 3.4 Financial Statements in a hyperinflationary economy (including the preparation of financial statements) 3.5 Financial Statements complying with IFRS for SMEs.

4. Analysing Financial Statements
4.1 Earnings Per Share 4.2 Related Party Disclosures 4.3 Operating Segments 4.4 Financial Reorganisations and reconstructions

5. Public Sector Accounting Standards
Segment Reporting Related Party Disclosures Impairment of cash generating assets and non-cash generating assets Disclosure of information about the general government sector Consolidated Financial Statements Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures

5. Public Sector Accounting Standards
Segment Reporting Related Party Disclosures Impairment of cash generating assets and non-cash generating assets Disclosure of information about the general government sector Consolidated Financial Statements Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures

6. Other Reports and Emerging Issues in Financial Reporting
6.1 The conceptual Framework and the process of developing new accounting standards 6.2 Proposals to revise/update existing standards and recommendations to issue new ones (Discussions Papers and Exposure drafts) (The Examinations Board shall provide guidelines on which Discussion Papers and Exposure drafts are examinable for specific years) 6.3 Management Commentary (Management Discussion and Analysis) 6.4 Capital Markets Authority Corporate Governance Reporting Requirements 6.5 Global Reporting Initiatives Guidelines on Sustainability Reporting 6.6 Integrated Reporting 6.7 Materiality Guidelines for Financial Reporting 6.8 Legal and Ethical issues in Financial Reporting.

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