Category Education

In-House/In-Company Training, Yes or No?

The shortage of skilled personnel in today’s work environment has become a serious issue.  While looking for solutions to fill that gap, organizations tend to undervalue a path that could contribute to a solid foundation for their future: in-company training.…

Burnout Management and Prevention

Burnout is a state of physical and mental exhaustion that can hinder the joy out of your career, workplace, family interactions, or even friendships. Continued exposure to nerve-wracking situations such as long-working hours, caring for an ill family member, or…

Can I Change my Career Later in Life?

If you have been asking yourself this question, then the simple answer is YES. It is very possible to switch careers, regardless of your age. There is no gratification in staying in a career path that you hate or no…

How to Avoid distractions when learning online

It is very challenging to avoid distractions when learning or working online. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 shifted learning and working culture globally. The pandemic forced a switch into home-based learning and working. Equally important is to…

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